For nearly 20 years, Unified Solutions has supported American Indian and Alaska Native Tribal communities in developing and maintaining direct service programs for victims of crime.  At the core of our work are strong relationships with a network of organizations, individuals and Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) Program Managers who are critical in braiding trauma informed services in urban, rural and frontier Tribal communities.

  • Tribal Programs and victim services professionals who ensure victims receive assistance and who drive efforts to build safer, violence-free communities;
  • OVC Program Managers who provide guidance to programs in meeting programmatic and budgetary grant requirements, but also champion Tribal efforts to change attitudes, policies, and practices to promote justice and healing for all victims of crime;
  • Subject Matter Experts, proven field professionals and others whose knowledge, expertise, and passion help us better train and equip victim services personnel with the information and skills they need to deliver crucial, culturally specific victim services in Tribal communities.

Unified Solutions and its service network strive to provide relevant, timely, and quality training and technical assistance (TTA) to Tribes and Tribal organizations.  With field offices located across the country and an array of delivery methods in its toolkit, Unified Solutions is uniquely positioned to deliver responsive support services wherever they are needed.  Our knowledgeable and dedicated staff is available to answer questions, provide guidance, and develop training customized to the needs of each unique Tribal Program and community.

To find out more about what we do, explore our web-site – or contact us!

Mission Statement

Unified Solutions is dedicated to providing training, technical assistance, and human services in Indian Country and beyond.  In doing so we advance justice, advocate for victims of crime, and employ strategies that address challenges experienced by culturally diverse individuals, communities, and organizations.


Values Statement

At Unified Solutions, we strive for our operations and services to be:

  • Inclusive: All stakeholders affected by a project are invited to the conversation. We recognize the equality and validity of all perspectives. Each voice that chooses to be heard, is
  • Generative: We deliver a product that is relevant and necessary to catalyze community action. Our work reflects our commitment to the next seven generations of the Earth’s children.
  • Receptive: We listen to each other, and to the guidance we get from our own experience. We listen to what our elders say, and to what our children say.
  • Responsive: We allow ourselves to be changed by new information. We change our direction and practice when the needs of the community change.
  • Cooperative: Whenever possible, we share resources and generate alliances. We know that we are one family, sharing planet Earth. We seek to pool our strengths and celebrate each.

The History of Our Logo

Unified LogoUSTCDGI

The image tells a story and sends a message:

The fate of our world depends upon our ability to come together and create together – all people, young and old, of all colors, from all directions. When we commit our hands together in action, creating a new way with unified solutions, the power of this Light shines from within the Phoenix. The Phoenix burns to ashes and is re-born. The Phoenix takes on all that is finished, all that no longer serves us – like greed and fear and competition – and burns it away. All that is left is the Light that guides us, and the Earth is reborn.

The Unified Solutions logo was formed as a result of a collaborative process with community members in Tucson, Arizona. We were blessed by those who support the vision of USTCDGI and offered their talent to express this vision in visual art.

Special thanks to Victor Robles, Yaqui artist, and Desiree Trowbridge, Latina artist, who helped breathe life into this work.

The image depicts a Phoenix, the Earth, and four sets of Hands coming from each direction to create something new. A Light radiates out from the center of the Hands, to show the sacred power of the work that comes from this kind of collaboration.