Register for our first in-person training institute in two years! Working with Substance-Abusing Families and Positive Indian Parenting will be offered in beautiful Portland, Oregon February 7-9, 2022. 

Past institute attendees agree: NICWA’s training institutes are cost-effective professional development opportunities that help you remain current in your knowledge of the ever-changing field of child welfare. Join us for our upcoming training institutes. These interactive and energetic courses are taught by dynamic trainers who are experts in the field of Indian child welfare.

Attendees will receive CEUs with a certificate upon completion. These trainings will be hosted on Zoom or in-person in February. The instructor will implement instructional design created specifically for effective adult learning. Participants will experience large and small group learning, participate in facilitated discussion groups, and work through case-based exercises. This approach is made possible by video conferencing which allows breakout groups and live chat sessions. You will need a computer, internet access, speakers, and a microphone (or telephone) in order to access the virtual training.

Trainings are led by professionals with an extensive experience working with tribal communities. Participants will also enjoy the opportunity to network with other attendees from tribal, state, and national agencies located throughout the country. Contact for registration information.